Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I read in a book that I am compared to the city of Tirzah by someone that is very important to me.

I looked up Tirzah and it has set a paradigm in my mind that has permeated throughout my thinking. Tirzah was a city in biblical times that was the very beautiful.

Tirzah means "she is beautiful". Jewish scholars believed the beauty of this city was so astonishing it attracted many "unwanted" people of the time. It rivaled the city that the accepted people of the time set up as a capitol.

Tirzah was eventually destroyed, but it represents something to me that is essential in this journey of life.

I cannot be "attractive" to just those who accept me. There must be something in me or the way I conduct myself that arouses interest in both those who know me and accept me and those who could care less.

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